Very little of what is brought there actually ends up in the landfill. We thought this was wonderful. As we entered, our bus went onto the scale. With our bus driver, 5 teachers and 36 children, the school bus weighed 10710kg!!!! We never would have guessed! (We certainly tried)
We learned that vehicles are weighed while entering and exiting the landfill in order to find out how much garbage they had dropped off.
Inside the Education centre, we learned about sorting our disposables at home and which bins (grey, blue, green or garbage can) different items belonged in. We were very proud that we were already pretty good at this! We also talked about our ecological footprint (which is the affect we have on our planet) and ways we can keep our footprints small such as recycling, conserving energy, composting and reusing items.

Did you know that the education centre building at the landfill is built with reused bricks from a home, glass block/windows from old city hall and has a driveway that was created from the pavement dug up from Ann St when it was repaved? It also has a carpet in it that is made from recycled plastic bottles! How cool is that???

Outside, we enjoyed a scavenger hunt in the breezy fresh air, a relay race though tires to sort “discarded items” and even planted flowers from seed paper into pots made from compostable plant food! In all, it was a very FULL, FUN and INTERESTING morning and were pleasantly surprised to receive gift bags (lunch bags) filled with all kinds of cool recycled items to bring home!
Thank you City of Barrie for this wonderful learning opportunity!

Discovery Child Care offers interesting and educational before and after school programs. Call us for a tour. We'd love to meet with you and your child! 705-733-2052