We are all aching to spend more time outdoors as the weather starts to warm up and change. Hopefully we can soon ditch the boots and heavy winter jackets for some lighter outdoor wear! While we wait for the days to warm up, it's a great time to take children outdoors to witness the changing season first hand. Birds are out and chirping more often, and many animals are scurrying about, waking up from their winter haze in search of food.
It's a great learning opportunity to go on walks this time of year as nature stars to stir and become more active. We thought a spring scavenger hunt would be a great way to pay attention to the subtler signs of spring that otherwise might be missed. These don't have to be found all in one day, in fact, it would be better to take all of spring to spot everything on the list. Feel free to add or change anything on the list. You can even turn making the list itself into a craft project by getting the children to draw pictures on a poster-board of everything they'd like to spot.
An Early Spring Scavenger Hunt:
- Spot a Butterfly

- Spot 3 Different Kinds of Birds
- Find something naturally RED (flower, ladybug, leaf...)
- Find something naturally PURPLE (flower, butterfly...)
- Find something naturally YELLOW (Flower, plant, butterfly...)
- Spot a Puddle
- Spot Someone Else Enjoying the Weather ( jogging, biking, playing in a park..)
- Spot a Seed (acorn, helicopter, pinecone...)
- Find Some Animal Tracks
- Spot Some Green Grass
- Find a Wiggling Worm
- Spot a Bird's Nest
- Spot Some Buds on a Tree
- Spot a Squirrel or Rabbit
- Hear a Bird Song & Try to Mimic it
- Find Something Smooth & Something Rough
- Spot a Fluffy White Cloud
- Find Some Flowers Budding
We hope you find lots of time to get outside and explore nature using this scavenger hunt as a guide! Happy hunting!